A few days ago, I finished a massive video on the infamous Wulin Warriors. Here it is for your viewing pleasure:
Thursday, December 10, 2020
Wednesday, November 11, 2020
Life With COVID-19 and Post-Election Thoughts
So on Election Day, two hours after I voted, I tested positive for Coronavirus. As a result, I am locked in my house so I don't give it to anyone else (given how contentious this election was, it was probably for the best that I wasn't outside anyway). Let me tell you, having this thing sucks. One night, before I knew anything was wrong, I woke up with cold sweats. For the next few nights, I hit a wall at like 8pm or so and was extremely fatigued. After that, I started feeling sore and was coughing and had a stuffy nose. After testing positive, I had different symptoms every day. I had terrible body aches that made me not want to move at all, I had a fever that went away soon after, then came back again and went away a second time, I had brain fog that severely impacted my ability to do work, and at one point my sinuses were so swollen, it hurt to breathe through my nose. I also can't taste anything that isn't salty, which fucking sucks. Despite all of this, I seriously think that the mental toll this virus took on me was worse than the physical. Early on, my mind was racing, wondering if I would die of the virus or get some sort of permanent organ damage. I'm very lucky I just had a minor case, though I'm still not fully recovered and operating at I would say 95%. My isolation ends Friday, but I'm still not leaving for a few more days just to be sure. No reason to risk infecting others. Thankfully I was able to Zoom in to my classes and not miss much, I'll just keep doing that. I will say Trump losing the election and the temper tantrums thrown by him and his supporters helped put me in a good mood during the worst of the virus. I am not a Joe Biden fan by any stretch of the imagination, but the country needs a better leader to guide it through this chaos. I have to say I am absolutely stunned that 71 million people looked at the events of last 4 years including all the scandals, the pandemic, the current economic depression, the divisiveness, the violence, and the lies and thought "yeah, I want more of that". I knew this dude was a charlatan and a con-artist from the beginning and it floors me that his supporters don't see that despite everything that has happened. Trump isn't even trying to be a populist anymore, he's run the worst political campaign I've ever seen in my life, and he STILL got 71 million votes! This country has some serious critical thinking issues. Fingers crossed Trump's coup attempt is a miserable failure and the impending ideological civil war in the Republican party destroys it from the inside.
Friday, April 10, 2020
Deleting My Terrible Teenage Short Story
Just so you, dear reader, have the necessary background information, I'm going to let you in on what was going on during my early teenage years. From ages 13 to 16, I was depressed. Upon entering middle school, I had zero self esteem and was painfully socially awkward. Seeing everyone else be a social butterfly (or at least have the appearance of being one) didn't help either. To make things worse, I was also relentlessly bullied by various people throughout this point in my life. Needless to say, I was very sad and angry and buried myself in music and video games to take my mind off of my situation. I decided to write a short story as a catharsis during the summer between 8th and 9th grade. For what it's worth, I do think it helped me a little bit but that doesn't change my current feelings on it. I'm not going to go into the full details of the plot because it's really gut-wrenching to even talk about, but I will say it was essentially a mystery story about a semi self-insert character who, while sleepwalking, exacts revenge on people who wronged him and goes on the run, slowing figuring out the details of what happened. It wasn't like a shooting or mass murder type thing, I wasn't that screwed up, but it did involve people being attacked. Now that I've set the scene, let's get into the story and why I'm ashamed of it.
Right off the bat, my main character gives this super pretentious and annoying "not like the other kids" spiel and that vibe carries throughout the whole story. I also for some reason felt the need to have characters representing pretty much everyone who was in my life at that point, even if they only appear once. All the characters in this story regularly get into violent fights for some reason, like excessive violence is just a part of everyday life in this town and no one really questions it. Come to think of it, I wrote just about every character to be a fucking lunatic. Some characters help the main character knowing he's a wanted murderer just because they were friends before or casually talk to him even though they just met him and know he's a fugitive. In addition to the sleepwalking attacks, the main character, while in control of himself, assaults by my count at least 7 people and even kills a few. Some of them are attacking him, so in those cases it's justified, but it's just so fucking dumb that this dude is just casually beating up and shooting people without a second thought. Also, nobody seems to have any sympathy for the victims of his crimes. Like, yeah, they were over the top assholes but they were still people. Even the main character, who involuntarily attacked them in his sleep, is like "yeah they all deserved it, so whatever" with others around him agreeing with him. While I'm on this, I'm going to talk about how I portrayed the bully characters because my God, this is so out there and extreme it makes me want to bang my head against the wall. Every bully character is pretty much an irredeemable human being with no positive qualities, acting comically evil and judgemental. The thing that finally sets the main character off is a super over the top prank that involves him being kidnapped, stripped naked by these characters, tied to a pole, videotaped, and that video being shown to hundreds of people. Also, the way the reveal of the video is done is very contrived and idiotic and would never happen in real life. There's also a scene that involves a fight between a gang and white supremacist group that the protagonist and his friends are caught in the middle of because both groups have a bone to pick with them, but they also both happen to find them at the house they're staying in at the same time for some reason. The guy who owns the house ends up pulling out a bunch of military grade shiny weapons and arms the whole group of friends which makes no fucking sense. Oh, by the way, that character happens to both be a psychologist with a ton of brain scanning technology in his basement but he's also a lawyer. Jesus Christ my head hurts just talking about this. I'll skip over a bunch of dumb shit and wrap it up: the main character turns himself in, goes to a wacky shack for 8 months, gets better, and continues his life like nothing happened, the end.
Okay, because talking about this clusterfuck of a story is driving me insane, I'll leave the details at that, I'm sure you get the picture. What I want to talk about now is how the story reminded me of who I was back then. I was honestly horrified. Since the plot is so incoherent, I was really reading this as a case study, a look into who I was at 14. I know I was not doing so well, like I said previously, but reading this story really showed me how hurt and angry I was back then. I was honestly a pretty miserable person and it showed through my writing. I remember sending this to a very helpful therapist who I was seeing on and off at the time due to my anxiety and depression. He's the only person other than me to ever see this work. I don't think he read the whole thing and I thank God for that because I would have probably been seeing him until the cows came home. I know he printed it out and that remains the only physical copy of this to ever exist. It's probably tucked away in a file somewhere or thrown out. There was a silver lining to this experience, however. Rereading this showed how much I've grown since I was 14 and I'm proud of what that angry, sad kid grew into. But, like I said, reading this was painful. That's why I deleted the story after I finished reading. Honestly, that felt pretty cathartic as well, deleting something born from adolescent anger and sadness. It kind of symbolizes that I'm not that person anymore. Most of those emotions I felt as a teenager are gone. Many of the people I once held absolute contempt for, I no longer really think about. Many of the things I thought were super important at that age ended up not mattering. The leftover feelings I have from that time in my life I use as motivation to improve and work hard in school and my career. I want the people who treated me poorly in high school to hear my name again one day when I accomplish something. I hope they've grown up a bit at that point and they're happy to see I'm doing well. It's like Frank Sinatra said: "The best revenge is massive success." I regret having a shitty adolescence, but I'm thankful that I've had a pretty great young adulthood so far. Here's hoping that continues.
Monday, March 16, 2020
A Rant on Coronavirus and Selfish Morons
I have to say though, this is a really shitty time for a viral pandemic. Not only is it my senior year of college, which means I can't be on campus doing things with my friends and participating in things I'm involved with, it's coincidentally the Centennial for the University of New Haven. What are the odds that during my graduation year, which is also the 100th anniversary of my university, there would be a worldwide viral outbreak that would essentially ruin everything? Also, like I said before, this pandemic means I can't go to shows, which really sucks. Funny thing is if this happened when I was like 16, I probably would've been thrilled. I would've said something like "You mean I can just stay home and play video games for two months straight without having to go to school or speak to anyone? Fuck yeah!" But of course, now that I'm not a total shut in and want to go out and do things, the Chinese Death Virus picks now to make life as we know it grind to a halt.
On a more serious note, I seriously can't stand these fucking morons going out and partying in places packed with hundreds if not thousands of people when there is a virus rapidly spreading across the globe. On social media, I've been seeing people in packed bars, beaches, clubs, you name it. I guarantee a ton of these people got the virus and are spreading it right now because they don't realize they have it. They're actually starting to shut restaurants and bars down because of it. What choice do they have? These people think they're invincible. They look at the number of confirmed cases and think "Psshh, this isn't a big deal", not realizing that the actual cases of the virus are way, way higher than the confirmed cases because there still aren't enough tests going around and there are God knows how many people with the virus who aren't symptomatic yet. They don't realize that even if they get the virus and are fine, they may spread it to high risk individuals they live with, endangering their lives. This is exactly what happened in Italy and the whole damn country was put on lockdown because of it. I fear that in a week or two, this thing is going to get real bad just like it did over there. We had 89 confirmed cases on March 1st. Now, on the 16th, we have 3,487. I dread to think what's going to happen to those numbers once all the Spring Break partiers are back home. Italy's hospitals were totally overwhelmed and hospital staff started getting sick and spreading the virus to their families. And the scary thing is their healthcare system is better than ours! So if the same thing happens here, and it looks like it might, we're totally fucked. Oh and lastly, bravo to our moron President for disbanding the Pandemic Response Team in 2018. This probably wouldn't have been this much of an issue if they weren't let go. Now, thanks to the virus and the oil price war between Russia and Saudi Arabia, the economic bubble popped and the stock market is in free-fall and we're probably going to slip into a recession again. Just in time for my college graduation. Yippee.
Wednesday, January 15, 2020
Connecticut Hardcore